Team members from Western and Barnetts Mazda have completed a charity walk on Sunday 12 June in order to raise vital funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Exemplifying Mazda’s ‘challenger spirit’, employees from Western and Barnetts Mazda tackled their first-ever 14.5 mile walk in just over four hours and saw the team travel from one of our Group dealerships in Fife, through historic areas of Dunfermline, across the Forth Road Bridge and finish with a celebratory BBQ picnic at the Western Mazda dealership near Edinburgh.
Helen Burns, Marketing Manager at Western and Barnetts Mazda, said: “We are incredibly proud of our entire team for completing the walk and raising such vital funds for Macmillan. A short while ago, we collectively chose a charity to raise a serious amount of money for and Macmillan Cancer Support is a fantastic choice that is close to so many peoples hearts as cancer is something that sadly affects too many of us and our families.”
Adding, “We set ourselves an impressive target of raising £15,000 for Macmillan which we’re so incredibly close to achieving. By raising over £13,500 already, we’re proud that this money could pay for a Macmillan nurse for over two months which would help people living with cancer and their families receive essential medical, practical and emotional support. We’re grateful for every single donation so far, kind comments and messages of support, from our colleagues, friends and family and business partners.”

Established as a Mazda dealership since 2010, Western and Barnetts Mazda are part of the Eastern Western Motor Group, founded in 1927, which is one of Scotland’s largest privately-owned dealer groups.
To donate or for more information on Western and Barnetts Mazda’s Macmillan walk, visit the Just Giving page here. Alternatively, call Western Mazda on 0131 313 0500 or visit the Luxury Car Village dealership near Edinburgh. You can contact Barnetts Mazda on 01382 665 506 or visit the dealership on Riverside Drive, Dundee.