Launched in July 2015 the ground breaking Mazda MyWay scheme is designed to deliver a first-class customer experience to the more than 40,000 retail car buyers not currently within easy reach of a Mazda dealership in central London. With the cost, space and practicality issues of placing showrooms in high density urban environments, Mazda UK has looked at a different way of getting its products to inner city car buyers.
Designed to put the customer at the very heart of the experience, the Mazda MyWay scheme has taken an all new approach to car retailing in central London. Commenting on the Mazda MyWay concept Mazda UK Strategic Retail Projects Manager, Simon Culley said “at Mazda we felt there must be a far more cost-effective way of getting our cars in front of urban car buyers in the capital and at the same time we wanted to create something that was as convenient as possible for the customer.”
“When a MyWay prospect requests a test drive the car is bought to them by a Brand Champion at their home, place of work or wherever they need. It’s important to note there’s no obligation to buy and the team work to ensure each person is testing a car that meets their needs as part of the pre-booking service. Once they’ve taken a test drive the customer can configure their car online and this is forwarded to the seven London Mazda dealers signed up to the scheme. The dealers then submit a quotation to the customer within 24 hours, allowing the purchaser to conclude the sale with who they want, when they want. All of which means the consumer can go through the entire car buying process from the comfort of their own home, if they wish to.”
Simon added, “this convenience continues into the aftersales environment where Mazda MyWay customers benefit from having their car collected, serviced and returned to them. The MyWay proposition of ensuring our Brand Champions travel to the customer rather than making the customer come to us has proved to be a success in the challenging automotive environment of central London.”
Deliberately recruited from outside the automotive industry Mazda MyWay Brand Champions are not sales executives, instead their retail and service industry expertise is used to deliver a first rate and personalised customer experience. Taking into account London’s diverse population, the 10 person Brand Champion team speak 18 languages between them, and were selected for their ability to be enthusiastic, knowledgeable and attentive to the customers’ needs.
Since the introduction of Mazda MyWay there has been a significant increase in the Mazda retail share across the combined 22 London boroughs the scheme operates in, while even more importantly customers who have purchased through the scheme really value the experience and are giving high recommendation scores for Mazda MyWay. “Our research suggests customers love the convenience, control and choice offered by the MyWay scheme”, commented Simon Culley.
Mazda Motors UK Managing Director Jeremy Thomson, added “while London is a pilot there is the potential for this concept to be rolled out to other cities in the UK and Europe where Mazda is not represented. Our MyWay Brand Champions have conducted over 1000 test drives, attended countless events in London and delivered sales. However, more importantly they have succeeded in delivering a unique and first-class customer experience and it’s this ability to surprise people with a truly personal car buying experience that sits at the very heart of the Mazda MyWay concept.”